Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How do I get my 13 month old son, to stay sitting down in the bath tub?

Everytime He takes a bath he stands up and walks around and won't stay seated. I tell him no, and sit him down. But he gets right back up. He even had fallen and gotten hurt but it doesn't stop him. He has plenty of toys to play with in there. He enjoys his bath time. You would think he would want to sit in the warm water. I am always sitting right by the tub and am constantly sitting him back down. It's frustrating! What should i do?How do I get my 13 month old son, to stay sitting down in the bath tub?
My 18 month old daughter does the same thing. We have made a game out of it. When she is suppose to sit down, tub or not, we tell her to ';Get your biscuits down.'; We worked with her enough with positive re-enforcement that she now sits down. Im not convinced that they will stay down all the time and not get up.How do I get my 13 month old son, to stay sitting down in the bath tub?
you just have to hold him still with your hands. you have to hold him in one spot and don't let him stand up. or he will think he is still allowed ot. just teach him at an early age that he is not allowed ot stand up in the tub or when he gets older (but you still give him baths) he will stand up and splash around a lot more water than he does now. just hold him still yourself but be kind still.
have a washer each and tooth brush even to keep him occupied and ma-by a bath toy it works wonders with my 16mth daughter and now she loves brushing teeth and doesn't run about the bath
Try a bathtub seat. They are plastic and click closed like a booster seat. Safety 1st has a good one that has a part that hooks to the side of the tub to avoid slippage.鈥?/a>

If he hates it, you can say you will only take it away if he stays seated on his own, otherwise he gets strapped in. (Be sure not to leave baby unattended in the seat as drownings due to parents doing this is not uncommon.)
when my brother was little, my stepmother had a seat for him that was plastic, and i was a circle he sat in and he was pretty much stuck sitting in there. therefore he couldn't stand up.
Don't sit him down anymore because he does not understand cause and effect, it will only make him start to scream if he senses your frustration.

I understand you don't want him to fall, but when he does finally decide to sit down, reward him with praise. If not, you just hold his arm and bathe him and take him out to dry. He will probably express sadness and cry because you took him out too soon, but he will learn that you take him out faster if he doesn't sit.

It requires patience on your part, because he is only 13 months old you are in for a lot more complicated defiance when his consciousness becomes more aware.

Rather than seeing it as an obstacle to get frustrated with, you will see it as a challenge to redefine your relationship with him. He is only little once so it will all be good memories that you cherish.

He will cooperate, you will see.
you can go in the bath tub with him to make him feel more comfortable. Once he gets used to it, you can then let him play with his toys and bathe him easily.
buy one of those tub chairs for will keep him in one spot
if he doesn't like sitting in the bath tub

try taking him in the shower with u next time
I really wish I knew the answer. My child of the same age does the same thing. The reality is that there is no easy answer to this one, so I guess we are both just stuck next to the bath tub trying to keep them seated.
You could accept that he needs to be on his feet. And try to keep him as safe as you possibly can. He has probably just learned this new skill and he will practise whenever he can much to your and my frustration. Make the bath as fun and safe as you can. Put down bath mats so he doesn't slip. If it really drives you nuts then make bath time super quick or get in with him and enjoy the bath together. My 17 month old wonders all over the tub and has since about 11 months old. She loves her bath and rarely falls anymore. Remember this is normal instinctive behaviour.

That being said we all have to pick our battles. If it is really important for safety reasons,then tell him he can have a play bath if he sits. I he refuses just give him a quick bath and get him out. Might take awhile but kids that love to play in the bath won't want to lose a play time bath. Even at 13 months he can understand pretty much all of what you say to him.
we use a tub inside the bath tub (this was usually a play time for them) as its not as slippery, but generally I showered my kids up to 2 yrs and passed them out to my wife to dry and dress
Sounds like he`s trying to torture you %26amp; aggravate you endlessly, doesn`t it?

And I can understand how frustrating this whole thing must be for you!

And to make matters worse, it happens on a daily basis too, right?

But for you toddler, it`s all a game and he probably is enjoying all this attention you`re giving him.

Have you tried leaving him in the tub on his own while you`re in the next room with the bathroom door left open of course?

I wonder if he would actually stay in the tub on his own, and if so, would he sit down or run out of it screaming while looking for you?
You put him in the tub wash him %26amp; take him out, if he wants to play he will learn he has to sit. Tell him that in simple words like have to sit to play atnd tap the bottom of the tub. A 13 month old is very smart %26amp; if you allow him to keep doing this you will never break him. Good Luck
Get in there with him!!
Maybe make it a bubble bath...

Yeah, my twins do the same thing at 13 months. And, like you, I do the same thing.

I wish I had a better anwer for you. Just make the bathtime short and sweet.

Hope this helps you................. : - O
Put velcro on the bottom of the tub, and velcro on his butt.
you cant kids will be kids
I tell my son if I see him get up, bubble time is over.

Took him a couple of times, but he got the message.

You need to be firm and repetition will eventually get the message through to kids.

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