Friday, January 22, 2010

Can any one please help me? I have a 4month old kitten who keeps using the bathroom in the bath tub,why?

My husband an i have tried to make her litter box as comfortable as possible for her( neither 1 of us has cared 4 a kitten b4) by using different types of litter, using a lower ';box'; actually it's a wicker table tray so it's low enough 4 her to step in an out of an not get hurt. But we are sooo confused an are in need of help quick. thanks in advance.Can any one please help me? I have a 4month old kitten who keeps using the bathroom in the bath tub,why?
Put the litter box in the tub until she starts to use it, then put on the floor in the bathroom. After she starts to use it there, keep moving it using the same tactic, until you get the box where you want it. I would get a regular litter box and wouldn't worry about her getting hurt falling out of it. I have had cats all my life, and have seen them fall from unbelievable heights and not get hurt.Can any one please help me? I have a 4month old kitten who keeps using the bathroom in the bath tub,why?
I wanna say thank you an it's still taking a few tries but i think she is getting the hang of it; she's still going in the tub but we try an catch her as often as we can. thanx again

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heya knowledge i think it will work out=) i love kittys!!! lol

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My mom had a cat that did this. Use to drive her crazy. She cover the drain with plastic and removed when using tub. Cat stopped using drain.
put catnip around and in the litter tray
its better than the carpet or your bed!

Put its litter tray in the bath, it will eventually get the idea it is just a kitten afteral.
I agree with putting the litter box in the tub. Or shutting the kitty out of the bathroom entirely. I have 3 cats aging from 2 yrs old to 11yrs old. The way one of them lets me know something isn't right is when they don't use the litter box. But, your's is new. What ever you do ... don't hit or yell at it.. kitties don't learn from that. A sqirt bottle can be handy. Also, I believe you have to catch them in the act. Not try and show them later what it is they did wrong. They don't learn like dogs do. If you can catch him/her maybe you could gently lift them in the process into the litter box. Ps. If it used to use the box and now it isn't ... it is upset about something. Did you by chance change the food it eats?
For some reason, she likes the surface. Cats are litter box trained better when an adult cat shows them. You will need to follow her around, and when she tries to get in the tub and go to the bathroom, you will need to say NO loudly and firmly and lift her up and put her in the litter box. It will take a couple of days, but it will work.
you have to let the kitten know that is her place, by placing her in the litter box, she is not going to autom. know that is her place unless you show her around the litter box....and once she goes in the tub, you pick her up show her the mess, and then place her there then say no then pick her up and place her into the litter box, trust she will know......after that
If it's like our situation, your kitty may be trying to tell you that she's not comfortable peeing on litter.

We just had the same problem with our 2-year old kitty peeing on furniture and my bed. This went on for 3 months. Finally this week I found the solution. I set up a second litterbox next to the first one, and just put a liner and a couple pieces of folded newspaper in the bottom (no litter at all). Bingo, she started peeing on the paper and pooping on the other box with the litter. It's worth a shot! If she's trying to tell you that the tub is more comfortable because it's not grainy like litter, this is an easy thing to try.
My best advice would be to go to a veterinarian and schedule a discussion on litterboxes, litter aversion, and possibly ruling out medical issues as causes. It can be a difficult issue to sort out, but your vet is your best reference.

-a veterinarian
A lot of people keep their kittens and puppies etc in the bathtub or small round pools when they are small to keep them from messing all over the place so the kittens get used to going in the tub. You just need to retrain it is all.
Maybe try a regular litter box - at four months, she shouldn't have a problem getting into one. The wicker may be freaking her out a bit.
keep showing her the toilet maybe she's mistakin the tub for the

good luck
Your kitten used the bathtub as his toilet once and sort of got used to that place - cats are creatures of habit. What I suggest you do, and this will take at least one day vigilance on your part is this:

1) Fill the bath tub with soapy water - making it absolutely unattractive to the kitten

2) Move the kitty litter box into the bathroom.

3) Whenever kitty runs to the bathroom presumably to go pee or poop, follow him. pick him up and plonk him in his litter box.

4) As he sits or stands in the box make scratching and digging motions with your fingers at the litter. BETTER yet, hold of his paws gently and making digging and scratching motions with them - guiding him.

5) If kitty jumps out of litter box to try and do his business elswhere - just gently pick him up again and plonk him back into the litter box.

6) It will get to the point where kitty's bladder or bowels will just have to ';GO'; and he will inadvertently do it in the box - that is, if hasn't done it already the first time you plonked him there.

7) Once he discovers that the kitty litter box don't ';bite,'; he'll go do his business there out of habit

8) You may have to do this procedure a couple of times. But I found with my kittens, I only had to show them once and they got the idea.

Worth a try. Perhaps all your kitten needs is for someone to show him HOW to use the box.

Good luck!

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