Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Daughter got into the bath tub and burn her feet?

My two year old learned to get into the bath tub and today she turn on the hot water....when I found her her feet were already covered with hot water...I switched the water to cold and bathe her with cold water..She did complained a little bit but did not scream or nothing like that..her feet were red for 30 minutes but now they are normal color..Is she going to be ok?My Daughter got into the bath tub and burn her feet?
If they are no longer red she will be fine, But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn your hot water heater down to below 120 degrees. To prevent her from getting scalded by accident. Also they sell things you can put over the knobs on your tub to keep kids from turning the water on.My Daughter got into the bath tub and burn her feet?
if they blister take her 2 the Dr's if not she will be fine
I don't know if she is going to be okay...why weren't YOU supervising your two year old?
Yes,, she will be ok.

No worries mom.

You may want to bar her from going into the bathroom and doing that though. It could be dangerous.
No blisters, no tenderness, she's fine, but you got lucky! Go to the baby store and get a block for the water faucet. She's going to do it again, guaranteed, and next time you might not be so lucky.
might be a good idea to get those door knob covers that kids cant open. my little girl katerina learned to open the doors as soon as she could walk so i learned real quick how much those door covers come in handy.
She will be fine.

You might want to turn down the temp on the hot water heater so it is not so hot.

Hopefully she learned her lesson and will not try that again. Stress to her that she could have been hurt worse and to please don't do it again, it makes Mommy sad when her little girl it hurt.
your little girl will be just fine ;)

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