Sunday, January 24, 2010

How do i get it through my cats thick heads that my bath tub is not a litter box?

i dont like rubbing their noses in it, because that is just nasty for both of us, and to be honest, i dont have much of a heart to do itHow do i get it through my cats thick heads that my bath tub is not a litter box?
Leave it full of water when you're not using it.How do i get it through my cats thick heads that my bath tub is not a litter box?
When my cat started peeing in my dogs big water bowl, my mom bought this big dog tent that you can zip closed. she put the litter box in it and put the cat in there, so my cats options were to either pee/poo in the litter box or in the other end where he slept. then after a while he started to use the litter box and is now trained.
If you don't want to use the nose-rubbing thing, try leaving water in the bottom of your tub. The cats will scramble out faster than they went in!
Leave a little bit of water in it when it isn't in use and they won't want to get into it anymore.
plus rubbing their noses in it just confuses them

easy fix - shut bathroom door

ok why is the kitty doing this ? does it have a bladder infection - the cool bathtub may be soothing

does it dislike the litter (most cats prefer non-scented clumping)

does it dislike the place of the litter box? ( near a scarey laundry machine might have frightened kitty at some point)

has the box been kept clean regularly

has the kitty been declawed (declawed cats frequently stop using their litter boxes becuase thier paws hurt when digging)

is it a manx (manx often have problems with their bowels)

is it a persian or himalayin (they often pee inappropriatly)

do you have more than one cat (rule of thumb is one litter box per cat with one extra, and not close together - some cats will not allow others to use the litter)

have a vet check the cat for infection or other problem
Take a look at your litter box.. Is it large enough for the cat? Is it not too high that the cat cannot climb into it? Does it have enough litter in it to satisfy a cat?
rubbing her nose in it does nothing...just keep repeating over and over by removing her from the bathtub each time and she will remember it!
Leave it full of water, and in case you don't feel like wasting all that money and water every day, invest in a training DVD/book/lessons! They helped me out tremendously!!

vote me best answer if this helps! =D
run the water every time the cat goes in/near the tub. they'll get the idea to stay out!
my cat had this problem too try switching the cat litter and keep the litter box clean and when they do go in the tub pick up the poop and put it in the litter box and show the cats. i hope that works
close the thick door to the bathroom...
It's simple... Just run some water in the bath tub, the cat will jump over in and jump out just as quick, it worked with my cat.
Where is the cat's liter box? Can you keep the bathroom closed? Spray some vinegar in the tub and perhaps place an object in the tub to crowd the cat out. My grandmother used to leave a hat on each of her dining chairs to keep her hairy cats off of them.

Don't try training your cat as if it were a dog. They don't respond the same way. If you can catch the cat going in there, squirt it with some water if possible.

Also, consider the placement of the litter box, is it near the shower? If it is, maybe move it away, if it isn't maybe move it closer. Is there anything undesirable about the litter box? Make sure it is clean and pleasant. Replace the litter often. Empty it completely occassionally and scrub it out. Dry thouroughly and then replace with fresh litter. Perhaps your cat is seeking privacy. If you don't want to buy a box with a top over it, maybe place the litter box inside the shower until your cat is used to using it again and then place it just outside the shower. Gradually (a little a day) move it anywhere and your cat will likely follow (if you move it slowly enough each day). You can even find an interesting method to toilet train your cat like this!
A lot of cats will use the bathtub when they have a bladder infection. Have your vet rule out a health problem before thinking it is behavioral.
I wish my cats would use the bathtub. Throw poop in the toilet and run water to move pee down the drain. I would be in heaven. But the suggestions above about shutting the door, leaving a small amount of water in tub are good answers.

Could you have your cat call mine and tell them about using the tub, Just kidding............

Good luck
Spray him/her with water each time you catch them trying to do it.
Make them stay outside,on a animal friendly leash,if they are indoor cats that is. Sticking there noses in it I agree isn't so great or fun to do,but if the pottying gets out of hand,its probely your best opition to use. Good Luck %26amp; yet again, Best Wishes.

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