Friday, January 22, 2010

I keep getting what looks like mosquito bites when I get out of the bath tub-what can it be?

is it mold or something or am i really just getting attacked by mosquitoes everytime i take a bath?I keep getting what looks like mosquito bites when I get out of the bath tub-what can it be?
I've had the same problem since my teens. My doctors called it folliculitis but my bumps look to me more like you describe (mosquito bites) than the bumps that I see pictured on the web labeled as folliculitis. I have this better controlled now with products containing menthol than anything I was ever prescribed by a doctor. I recommend that you look for products containing tea tree oil or peppermint oil and find natural or homemade soaps and shave creams. I use peppermint oil in an olive base as a moisturizer. I specifically avoid mineral oil or petroleum products now and it has been the most helpful change that I have made. Also, are you using anything new? Soap, razor, shampoo? All of this can run down your skin and into your bath water. Call me crazy, but if you develop a food allergy it can cause you to breakout and be irritated by your bathwater. Are you eating anything new? Is it itchy? If so it points to 2 things - allergy or dry skin. Dry skin is an easy fix but allergies can be complicated and difficult to track down. Try adding a little oatmeal tied up in an old rag to your bath water (cheaper and sometimes more pure than aveeno) or add a little olive oil to the water or rub on after wards. Olive oil is great for the skin and will not have all the irritants found in lotions plus it is cheaper. If this doesn't help, you may have to see a doctor. I would recommend seeing your family doctor first since it would be cheaper than a specialist. Good luck!I keep getting what looks like mosquito bites when I get out of the bath tub-what can it be?
hey hun no its not mold its from scrubbing the skin hard i get the same thing lolz when we cleaning our skin we sometimes scrub like really hard an don't realise because its our skin an we ding it but u are fine hun just a lil rough with your body

o i forgot DUH!!! do it itch really bad if it do then its hives an stop using the soap tht u use clean the tub iub out everytime u get n an out u are breaking out from the soap hives is no joke thy itch like crazy an thy swell up an look very nasty
How hot is your bath water? It could be prickly rash (heat bumps). You may also be having an allergic reaction to the soap you're using. Good luck. :)

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