Monday, January 18, 2010

Can i use water from my bath tub for watering my garden ?

I want to use water from my bath tub to water my garden, this way i can save on my water bill and use the water from my bath tub which usually goes down the drain.Can i use water from my bath tub for watering my garden ?
Yes. All of the water from my house is used to water my yard. I have an aerobic system that has sprinklers that water the yard from my septic system. . If you have alkaline soil you might want to use some sort of acidifier on the garden though as soaps and detergents are also alkaline. I apply a small amount of Sulpher to my yard once a year to balance soil PH.

Not long ago I also helped a friend who was building a new house to install a gray water tank. The drains from the bathtubs and washer go to a seperate holding tank than the toilets and kitchen sink. This water is used for his garden and landscaping. It cost a little more to do this but the benifits are that he does not pay for water used in the yard.Can i use water from my bath tub for watering my garden ?
As long as your careful what sort of soaps, shampoos, ect end up in the water, it shouldn't be a problem. Plants just need water, not necessarily drinking water quality. Good way to help the environment. You can also collect rain water that washes off your house and whatnot to put on the garden.
your bath water will not harm your plants. and you will be doing your bit for the planet. very commendable. best way to get it out there? using a length of hose - one end in bathroom and other end through window and into garden/butt. start off by connecting hose to tap and running water momentarily then plunge into bath water. this will syphon the water using gravity
Depends if the soap you use is toxic. It would kill the plants. obviously
try using organtic soaps and such. not a problem. thanks for caring about the environment! oh, and I use soapy water to get rid of aphids. works great.
be aware that the use of 'gray water' in some states is illegal, due to the bacteria content of the used water ... here in NC is illegal.... but I'm going to use it if necessary like I did the last drought we had..... the fines hurt, and they COULD refuse you service, as in turn OFF your water..... so be sure what you're doing!!!..

gray water cannot be kept... it must be used as soon as it's sent outside..... and no bleach water in the garden please!!....

if you catch 'fresh' water in a bucket, like the water that runs until the hot water gets there, they can't say a word about that... and THAT water , you CAN save in a barrel !!!......
You've got bigger problems than your water bill if your using toxic soap as the first answerer suggests! I can't imagine that soapy dirty bath water can be any good for your garden? Would you drink it? If that water is absorbed into your tomato plants then yes they would have a particular ';zesty'; flavor.
I don't know where these people get their ideas...

Yes, you can use bathwater for your garden. You can also use the water from your washer. I do this because we've been in a drought for several years now.
i dont know, u mean after u bathe in it, maybe not cause its soapy n had dirt, flowers n plants need fresh water

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