Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is it possible to fall asleep in the bath tub and drowned or would you wake up when you start to inhale water?

Has it ever happened before? Does anyone know if it's possible?Is it possible to fall asleep in the bath tub and drowned or would you wake up when you start to inhale water?
Unfortunately it can happen and has.

The below is a true story

A woman had fallen asleep in the bath tub with her baby, as the mothers arms relaxed as she fell asleep, the baby slipped under the water, not making a noise or any movement (it had gone to sleep too). Sadly the baby drowned.

The mother had been at work, doing a all night shift and came home to feed baby and have a quick bath together before going for a nap. It was very heart breaking for the family and community.Is it possible to fall asleep in the bath tub and drowned or would you wake up when you start to inhale water?
O.k think this first haven't you ever seen in the T.V that when someone is sleeping and they want to wake him up the put their finger on his nose so he can't breath the same thing happens if you cannot breath then you wake up, unless you can breath under water.. lol.
Reading the above story was sad, the poor baby and mother. So I guess it can happen, what a horrid way to go.
I can't remember, but it's happened
someone made fun of breathing underwater but there are some cases in which liquids are breathable, of course bathtub water is unlikely to be one of them....

And yes like most people have said, barring any special circumstances like drugs, steam, consciousness status, somebody holding you under, etc...

Your not *likely* to drown...

but (especially if the circumstances like above are factored in) it IS possible...
it's possible if you're drunk/drugged or heavily medicated, and with some medical conditions, possibly extreme exahaution. the average healthy person would wake up.
you probably would not drown unless you passed out, because if you fell asleep and were submerged underwater the homeostasis in your body would trigger a gag reflex whenever you started consuming water, when this happened you would immediately wake up, kinda like whenever you wake up immediately and throw up
Well i was watching court tv with my grandma and this guy put sleeping pills in his wifes drink and then waited till she fell asleebutp then put her in a bathtub filled with hot water and she began to drowned but she woke up once she inhaled it so i dont think its possible...But she still died because once he heard he choking and she was awake he came in and held her under water and it was all so he could see a stripper! :o
Anything is possible. But if you breathing water as you start to slip under water the odds are that the lack of oxygen going into your lung and the in take of water in to you nasal cavity and or lung would jolt you awake. The body has its own survival systems.

If you are taking a nice warm bath, your exhausted and have had a couple of drinks...your odds go way down.
I think once you inhale water you don't wake up!it's been said; you can drown a body with a drop of water! ( that's been medically proven)
It's possible, esp. if u let the steam build up, u could pass out and then drown.
I've always heard to never fall asleep in the bath because you won't wake up. I'm not sure why, it would seem like you would wake, but I don't want to test it. I've feel asleep in the bath numerous times but thankfully I haven't got as far as inhaling water.
in a normal person you would reflexively wake up
If you were not under the influence of a sedating medication, you would wake up.
I would say that it is possible to drown .

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