Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How do i housebreak an Akita puppy to ';go'; in the bath tub?

If anyone know, can you teach me?

Well first off, i live in an apartment. and if i am not home then i cant take it outside to ';go';. and when it rains i dont want my dog to be out in the rain and ';go'; and etc.

by brining the puppy to the bathtub after it eats and when it wakes up, will it work? because i already know it is hard for akitas to ';go'; in the house. thus making them easy to housebreak outside. but will the same method work? if i bring it to the bath tub?

please gimme a hand, thanksHow do i housebreak an Akita puppy to ';go'; in the bath tub?
Bathtub is not a good idea...just think you step in a pile of...potty...when you step in the shower first thing in the morning!

I do, however, recommenr potty training pads, also know as puppy pads, piddle pads, etc. They supposedly have a puppy-attracting odor. they are very absorbent and have a waterproof backing. When your dog is pad-trained, and you do want your dog to go outside, put the pad outside. This will prevent spts on your carpet if you forget to leave the bathroom door open, too:)

Also, I wouldn't worry about the rain, especially since you live in an apartment and have to be with your dog outside anyway. whenever your dog goes potty and you see it, tell it ';go potty!'; and she'll learn to go whn you tell her too. Great for cold or rainy days, tell her to ';go potty!'; and you won;t be outside for very long:) It's good for dogs to get outside often. I do understand when you're not home you don;t want her going all over the place, which is why the puppy pds are good. For example, lock her in the kitchen(or any other room) with a puppy pad or 2, and she'll be fine:)

One mroe thing, you can certainly start housebreaking a puppy at any age, but don't expect them to gain in leaps and bounds until about 5-6 months of age. Some puppis are quick/early learners, though!

Good luck!How do i housebreak an Akita puppy to ';go'; in the bath tub?
Most dogs don't like being in the bathtub. Try buying a

litter box for dogs. Pet stores sell them. They are bigger

than the ones for cats. Just put news paper in it, and a

puppy pad to attract the dog to it. I do this with my dogs

and it works great. Just make sure to reward you dog alot

when he does do it where you want him to. They will do it

again just for the reward.
What is the sound of one hand clapping, grasshopper?

Can the puppy easily get into and out of the tub?

Basically, you train a dog to ';go'; in the tub the same way you train one to ';go'; outside.

Take him to the tub regularly, after meals, naps, play sessions, etc. and reward him when he goes in the tub.

Interrupt him when he starts to go anywhere else in the house and take him to the tub. reward him when he goes in the tub.

Make sure he can easily get into and out of the tub, or it just won't work.

And never force or punish a dog, especially an Akita for going in the house. He just doesn't understand.
Are you crazy?

Even if you are successful in training this puppy to poo in the tub, what happens when he grows up?

The stench will be UNBEARABLE!

If you want to own this dog, then shake off your laziness and get yourself and the dog outside -- I'm sure the exercise wouldn't kill you, either.
what do you think of this idea%26gt;

However, I would never train a large dog that it is OK to do it anywhere indoors..But if you are insistent on it, I think the method on that link would be preferable..My pups are well trained by 12-13 weeks the tale about not training yet is unreal!
Get serious. This is a baby; you need to take the puppy outside so it gets the idea it should go out for potties. A dog cannot even start house breaking until about 6 months. You cannot train a baby to go in a bathtub and the poor puppy will have no idea.

You totally have the wrong sort of dog for an apartment and you cannot spend time with the poor thing. You need to find it a better home. It is going to be a big dog and it is going to need a lot of exercise that you do not seem to want to give.

Find a better home for the puppy and do not get animals unless you commit to really keeping them right.
where are you going to take a bath.hopefully not in the bathtub.
Y not just train him to use the toilet
  • wrinkles
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