Sunday, January 17, 2010

Can you put a placostamus in a bath tub outside used for horse water?

My husband wants to put them in the horses water to keep it clean. I figured if it was possible it would be a well known thing to do. If you can't how about snails? What could i use to keep it clean? It gets so gross.Can you put a placostamus in a bath tub outside used for horse water?
Why not be a normal caring person and just clean the water. No a placostamus can't go in there for a number of reasons.

First it needs to be in warm water where you'll be giving it fresh veggies to eat everyday as well as blood worms, they don't live off of just sucking the gunk off the bottom of a tank.

If it actually did live out there it will grow to be at least two feet long within a year... do you really want a two foot long fish?

Also it can get your horse sick... if you actually do have a horse.

Another thing is the question of how horrible a life that would be for the fish, and no it's not just a fish, it's a living animal just as worried about living a good life as your horse. Just because the fish might cost only a few dollars and a horse costs a few thousand doesn't mean that it isn't just as important. Trust me to a placostamus his life is just as important to him as your horse is to you.

You can't put snails in for the same reasons, they can make your horse sick, and will only make the water less clean.

How about this odd idea, actually care about your animal instead of looking for the easy way out, that kills other animals, and change the water once a day.

When you love something, like a horse, you should be willing to take care of it.

Shouldn't you be changing it's water every day anyway, you do realize that it can get very sick if you don't. If you cahnge the water every day as you should then there should be no reason that you would ever have a dirty water tub.

Your comment about how it gets so gross...

How do you think your horse feels about it... and if that doesn't matter as you're the clear type to think it's just a stupid animal, you atleast have to understand how unheathly that is.

The general rule for any animal no matter what kind it is, if you wouldn't drink the water, it's not safe or right to make your animal drink the water.

Unless your horse is just something you can get another one of, like the fish.

Do the world a favor, and either care about your animals the way you should, or don't keep any and give your horse and anything else to a local rescue so they can at least have clean fresh water every day.

Also someone said that they live outside in ponds, this is true, but in a pond they have a large area with moving water that they get food in and it is warm.Can you put a placostamus in a bath tub outside used for horse water?
Thanks for the ten points. :)

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I would be worried about the fish getting an infection from that, but I think I have heard of it bein done before - I would ask in a couple of pet shops (especially ones that only sell pet fish) and see what they would recommend. Same for the snails, although I don't think they're as susceptible to infection. Good luck!
I've seen Barley Ball advertised in Gardening catalogs to help keep algae down in ponds. I haven't tried them my self but it might be worth a look.鈥?/a>
I've seen plecostomuses in rivers and they are HUGE!!!! I would try it. Just make sure you change the water everyday or give it some sort of aeration. The plecos in the rivers are over a foot long.
frankly i dont think their is anything to do but clean it by hand.

No a PLECO will not be ok out there, and im not sure if the snail would be the best thing.
You could clean it! Plecos aren't going to keep a horse trough clean, there is very little oxygen in a tub without a filter. It would just die after the first week because there isn't enough oxygen in the water.

I wouldnt bother puting anything in a horse drinking tub it could poision or get the horse VERY ill and if not die, And no tropical fish will survive out side., No matter what anyone tells you dont do it.
what the heck is a placostamillkywillytinner thingy?

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