Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Am i the only person that has a cat that sleeps in the bath tub?my cat also loves to get this normal?

she is a tuxedo breed.Am i the only person that has a cat that sleeps in the bath tub?my cat also loves to get this normal?
Hehe, cats are all individuals with their own personalities. Some enjoy water, while most do not. I have had cats that sleep in the bathtub, and even curled up in the bathroom sink!

My current cat, Tika, however, LOOOOOVESSS boxes. Any kind of box. Or bags. She will sit on them, in them, crawl all around them.

If your cat enjoys water, you might consider buying her one of those cat water fountains - you pour the water in and turn it on and it keeps the water flowing and cycling - a lot of cats prefer to drink running water (you can also leave your bathroom sink dribbling for this), especially ones that don't mind getting wet.Am i the only person that has a cat that sleeps in the bath tub?my cat also loves to get this normal?
My little guy will sometimes get in the shower with me and likes to sit in the sink while I wash the dishes. He doesn't mind getting a bit wet and seems to think water is really interesting.

btw, tux is a color pattern, not a breed. My little water guy has gray tabby markings. When his sisters lived here they would all run into the shower as soon as the water was turned off and start licking my feet and legs. It wasn't until after they moved that he started getting in while the water was on.

They'll all quite cute.
I have 2 cats - One LOVES water and the other HATES it. It does become interesting when you try to train those that like water ... ha ha .. because you can't squirt a water bottle! He will sleep in the tub, sink, and run like crazy to the bathroom when we turn the tap/shower on ... just his nature.

Check out youtube and search ';cat in bathtub'; ... I saw a video the other day of a cat walking and playing in a tub full of water.

The cat I have that doesn't like water will still sleep in the sink though - maybe it's comfortable for them?
..i think its..weird for a cat to sleep in the bath tub..and cats hates water...

..but i think i kn0w the answer why..=)


ur cat like to slepp on bath tub bcause it's cold's comfortable...=)

..i tried sleeping in the tub...before..haha..

..and it was s0 comfortable even though there's no pillow...cause its cold there and u dont even have to use a fan or air-con..


..take good care of the cat..=)
All cat's are diffrent. My cat's don't sleep in the bathtub but one of them sleeps in the dish rack. He's sooooooooo cute. Also my cat's enjoy sitting in sinks, boxes, and bags.
If your cat likes water then it has wild genes in it.

Domesticated cats usually hate water while wild cats don't care about it, they'll catch fish in the wild.
One of my cats sleeps in the bathroom sink, and she knows how to turn the water on so she can drink. Too bad she never bothers to turn it off afterwards....
My cat is not a big water fan but she will jump up and walk around the rim of the tub when someone is taking a bath!!
My cat doesnt sleep in the bath.

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