Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ive got a family of squirels living under my bath tub, should I evict them?

The managed to get in through a crack in the wall, and now they've really made themselves at home. I wouldn't mind only they make a hell of a lot of noise at night.Ive got a family of squirels living under my bath tub, should I evict them?
they may cause damage to things inside the wall like wiring plumbing I would definately evict them before it gets very expensive to repair their ';room remodeling'; inside your wallsIve got a family of squirels living under my bath tub, should I evict them?
if i were you i would evict them because they will cause damage to your property and you might be fined for breaking something if you live in an apartment. the squirrels might also break your bathtub, and i myself wuldnt like showering with squirrels
I would be afraid of fleas that squirells have. What if one gets sick and dies in there then you have to deal with the odor. What if other pest begin to come in like rats, snakes, possum, racoon, and birds. Eventually they will burrow threw the walls around the tub and you will have an infestation in your house.
If they are not paying rent, evict them LOL
You should definitely evict them! Squirrels often have fleas, and can carry diseases. They also have a nasty bite, and will be more inclined to use it if in a confined space with babies.

There's also the small matter of the noise, and smell you'll eventually get from them not using your loo.

Get your local pest control officer to come and work out the best solution, and once they are gone, fix the crack in the wall. If you are in the UK, your local council should come out for free.

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