Monday, January 18, 2010

If a mother gives birth to a baby in a bath tub, can the child develop to become an aquatic mammal?

Since a baby develops inside the uterus, floating in amniotic fluid...if the baby is born straight into an aquatic environment, and raised that way, will the child develop to be an aquatic mammal able to live underwater?If a mother gives birth to a baby in a bath tub, can the child develop to become an aquatic mammal?
HAHAHAHA This question has made my day...

I don't think so, but wouldn't it be cool if that happened? But babies, and all humans really, need oxygen. So unless the baby suddenly sprouted gills and became a mermaid, it'd drown. Not to mention die of bordom... I'd hate to spend my whole life in a bathtub!If a mother gives birth to a baby in a bath tub, can the child develop to become an aquatic mammal?
no because in the amniotic fluid it is developing organs that can only be used as a land mammal

aquatic mammals are adapted to be able to stay and live underwater for long periods of time and rising to the surface for air

humans are not adapted this way and raising a child in water still does not make it develop a different anantomy for living underwater
In the uterus the baby is getting all the oxygen it needs through the umbilical cord. After birth when the cord it cut the baby is on it's own to get oxygen. Since the lungs are not able to get oxygen out of water, the baby is going to have to be brought up into the air, otherwise it's going to drown.
Ok first of all, people this is a legitmate question. I believe the child will grow gills. I tried leaving my dog in the pool, didn't really work. He actually died, however you should really consider leaving a newborn in the water for a while. If your experiment doesn't work, No biggie. Babies die everyday from abortion why shouldn't we try experiments such as this. Also we are not that far from fish on the phylogenetic tree. Very good question
No, a human child will always be a human child regards of where it was born. According to your theory if a child is born in a plane and left in a plane will he/she know how to fly ';instinctively';? No.

If you are a 10year old just learning about life and biology then your question is forgiven and the harsh answers are uncalled for, but if you have taken some sort of high school biology, then......your question is kinda dumb.Keep learning...
Yesssss! if u try hard enough, and believe hard enough, you just might give birth to a mermaid! It's about a one in a millionth chance, which is why u must beleive, and have faith in yourself that it's possible, and it is!Otherwise, where did ariel and her family come from?!
Everybody already rightly answered no, that's lamarckism, but it made me think of the Sea Gypsies. They've possibly evolved to see clearly underwater after hundreds of years of natural selection.
No, it would not. An organism does not evolve while alive. The baby would die from lack of oxygen, since it needs air once it is out of the mother. Evolution from a land-dwelling animal to an aquatic animal would take place in a space of millions and millions of years.
LoL , get serious , we species produce one kind , we can't create another specie with out cross breed lol like animals and that won't happen , a baby doesn't develp features after he/she comes outside but , come from the mothers and fathers dna
Babies are capable of swimming up till 6 months. However, they won't figure out they have to breathe, nor will you.

So if the mother is your wife/girlfriend, the child will develop to become a dead mammal.
No. Lamarck turned out to be wrong.

Problem for the baby is that with cutting the umbilical cord it has to breath by itself as it doesn't have '; access'; to the lung of the mother any more.
No, because humans are not made to breath underwater...

Adaptation occurs over generations, not instantly. Our bodies need oxygen, yet we do not have gills.
For that to happen there would be billions of changes in cells,

bones, lungs , eyes etc. You have a better chance of winning

the lotto.
yeah it would be a dolphin.But make sure he could learn a few tricks so that he can be a main attraction at the sea world. Other wise, might end up on a grill at long john silver...YuMMMMEEEE.
it can only stay underwater up to 30 minutes then it will die are you stupid take a biology class
hahaha, NO!
Nope. It will die from lack of oxygen. Baby needs air now that oxygen not flowing from mother's blood.
Lol i think someone needs to go back to biology class
There is not a single aquatic mammal with gills; i.e., none live underwater. They all must surface for air.
...i think so
yes, and if you hatch fish eggs on a dry surface they will grow lungs and gills.
lmao no it doesnt have gills
are you fool?

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