Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Do I pay for the plugged bathroom sink and bath tub or do renters?

My renters are constanly plugging up the bathroom sink and bath tub to my rental house. Shouldn't they be paying for the service person that will be snaking this instead of me?Do I pay for the plugged bathroom sink and bath tub or do renters?
I would send them a certified letter stating that if it gets clogged again that they will have to be responsible for it. I would get a statement from you plumber that verifies that the problem is not in the plumbing itself but with the renters clogging it up. If it is a problem with the plumbing then I believe you are responsible for it but if it's from them being negligent then it's their responsibility.Do I pay for the plugged bathroom sink and bath tub or do renters?
It's you unfortunately you are the owner could be faulty plumbing invest in a snake and do it urself or have tenants do it. I would think the only way it would be their responsibility is if they are putting things in the drains that clog it and that you could prove they are causing it. Sucks being a landlord doesn't it?
I would have a plumber look at it to see who is to blame. If it is your fault (ex. plumbing) then get the work done. If the tenant is to blame, then politely tell them from now on the bill will be turned over to them. If this is the case (that they have to pay) then watch there be no more clogs.
If it's their fault, the rentors.
I tried both the landlord and tenant sides.

It depends on the lease you have, who is responsible. Re -read it. If you do not have a provision in it for tenants cloging any drains or damaging prooperty. check local laws about adding it.

Some city /state ordinances only state a letter sent, must only state when the changes will take place and why.

some demand a 30 day notice. check your atty for this.

The landlord project has an abundance of knoledge for everyone, on either side of the rental issue. send letter stating when this change will take effect and the charges you will be requiring them to pay for having the self-caused there for unnecessary to begin with work done.

Do not allow them to work on your property, unless they call a certified repairman. add claus, that unless it is an actual emergency and you are not notified in advance, they will be responsible for all costs.

I may be wrong, but it sounds to me these people are working on making a list of reasons to move and want the lease broken.

The reason I do not know.

But want to use the landlord as a scape goat.

I went through this already. MY favorite prize: moved in anyone off the street, had a vicious dog, her son almost burned the duplex down, covered the cold air return up by putting her sofa in front of it. then complained she couled not get heat. Refused to use the big wall heater. demanded I get it inspected before she used it. That lasted till she got good and cold. Then it majically heated the whole apartment. The 3 tenants all seperate renters before her had no heat problem, neither did I when I lived in that same unit. On and on andon. she had to go. I was buying it on contract and I had rules to live by too, not just also wanting to live. which I Do.

she was working to get meout. she went then I did. My nerves couldn't take anymore. The guy I was buying the house from did not file papers it was considered rent and he demanded I rent other side. I did not even want to. so he was legally responsible for repairs I got stuck with.

I left she tried to buy house from him.

same house she claimed was not fit to live in. DUH%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

You need new tenants or a different investment.

If you still insist on being a landlord forget the standard lease and leave NOTHING out . one lease I signed for an apartment comples even said what color curtins / mini blinds you could have. they all had to llo white on the outside. No signs allowed to be posted etc.

They have no problem renting apts. But they are not a joy either I had not moved out yet truck with firs load drive away. next morning they had cleaned out my apt. I lost all my belongings.

clause stated for more than a days extended absence peoperty could be considered abandoned.

lost all my kids baby pictures etc.

If you make lease fair to BOTH sides and still protect yourself ,you have nothing to regret.

But its not a good business for me and my blood pressure.

I adore the landlady I have now. I never intend to move.

I have had landlords that make living in a box look good to me and the one I have now is a saint.

If the work is not done properly it will cost you more money later. Depending on the work the law may require a lisensed contractor. You could be fined.

Make sure you or a qualified repairman do the work yourself and try to be sure you or someone who works for you or tenant is there when work is done. Or there may be a claim something disapeared. a friend pulled this on his landlord. claimed to have an expensive stereo that never existed.
If your renters keep plugging up your sink and tub the first time you pay and anytime after that your tenants pay. But you must put it in writting and keep a copy for your records.
I am a landlord in CA.

Here the tenant is responsible for a clogged drain.

However, you may need to have as really good plumber come and

refit the pipes. I did this and it put an end to the ongoing problems I was having.
Ahhhh...the joys of renting to dirtbags. I'll never do it again.

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