Thursday, May 13, 2010

Is it wrong for my cat to pee and poop in the sink and bath tub?

When I first got my cat , I thought it would be much better if she went for her necessities in bath tub and I put her there and whispered:';pls go here when u feel lke peeing';. That was all. Since then, she always went there, except that she sometimes preferred the sink to the tub, both for peeing or pooping. I realised then that I could actually build a small basin just for her and that would be her own toilet and all would be great, but I never did that though as I didnt have the resources for this investment.

Now after years, my boyfriend, who also has a cat, who pees in a litter box, told me it is very unhigienic what I tought my cat to do and that the litter box is the only common sense solution it exists for cats. He said that the germs live in the sink and tub because of the cat, yet I suspect germs live in the litter box too and on the cat paws. My boyfriend also sais that the solution I found for the cat is a dirty one.

I would appreciate getting your opinions on this. ThanksIs it wrong for my cat to pee and poop in the sink and bath tub?
I agree that this is not the most healthy solution. Your cat may think that all sinks are fair game and use the kitchen sink, which will be extremely unhygienic. Training her to use the toilet would be great, but I'm not sure how to do it. Training cats to use the litter box isn't difficult; they are creatures of habit. Whatever method you decide to use, the key to limiting the amount of germs spread is cleaning the area thoroughly and often.Is it wrong for my cat to pee and poop in the sink and bath tub?
Well, I suppose it is kinda gross, but your point about cats paws being dirty from the litter box is valid as there anyway to train your cat to use the toilet? You could possibly make a compromise and agree to clean the sink and shower with some sort of non-toxic cleaning substance that will not harm your kitty...

Also, I think the pros of not using a litter box are great--no smell!

I think that its your cat, and you can raise it your way. Just let this be a forewarning when it comes to raising kids ;). Lastly, your cat must be very smart to learn how to do that with you just whispering that in his ear--I wish you could come over to my house and whisper in my cat's ear!
Ok.. Teaching a cat to use a litterbox is as simple as putting her in it, taking her paw and scratching the litter. At least, it always was for me.

If you don't want her to use a litterbox, then at least use a bleach solution to clean the sink or tub after she goes. 1 part bleach with 11 parts water in a spray bottle is fine, just rinse well with hot water after you clean it. That won't harm your cat. And you'll be healthier for not exposing yourself or your boyfriend to those germs.

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