Thursday, May 13, 2010

How can i get my kitten to stop using my bath tub as a litter box and know he peed in my lundary basket?

thank god there was no close in it by the way the kitten is a male what can i do to stop all of thisHow can i get my kitten to stop using my bath tub as a litter box and know he peed in my lundary basket?
A litter box needs to be kept clean , sometimes a kitten or cat will not use a dirty or smelly litter box, that's the first step.

Spray with ammonia . having the room ventilated.....

spray a disinfectant such as Lysol...

male cats and kittens are famous for peeing anywhere.How can i get my kitten to stop using my bath tub as a litter box and know he peed in my lundary basket?
make sure you keep your litter box cleaned out, or maybe try a diffirent type of litter. To teach my kitten to only use the litter box I would lock the kitting in the room with the litter box until I knew he would use it all the time. After that see what happens. Keep trying different things all cats are different. keep his food and water totally away from the litter box. If all else fails keep the door closed and see if he picks a new spot, or maybe talk to a local vet. good luck!
Cats are naturally a remarkably clean and fastidious animal and will usually learn quite quickly how to use a litter tray. Some kittens can be put in the litter tray and they instinctively go back there but others simply refuse to use the litter tray and will always find a nice corner of the room. The other problem here is that once one of the kittens starts using a corner of the room, the other may think that they should be using it too.

You really need to spend a fair amount of time with the kittens continually picking them up after eating or drinking and putting them in the litter tray. You can also buy a spray that attracts them to the litter tray. Cat urine does not do the carpets any good and if you allow the cat to continually use the corner of a room, you will soon find that the carpet discolors and you can never really get rid of that awful smell.

You could use a ';pet behave spray'; which is basically a spray that can be applied to any soft furnishing - carpets, stairs, settees etc and will deter the cat from going near as they hate the smell. You will also need to clean the litter tray daily if you have more than one cat. The only solution is perseverance and a willingness to clean up a lot of cat waste before they finally learn where they are supposed to go! You should never scold a young cat for fouling in the wrong place and certainly never rub its nose in it.

Leave about a 1/2 inch of water sitting in the tub. Then see if that cat pees in it.
keep the bathroom door shut and put the laundary basket in the shut bathroom

Surely your cat cannot use the door handle to open the door then go and pee in the bath...if he does this tho it does mean he probably does not like you!
Close the bathroom door. Close the laundry room door (or where ever you keep your hamper). Keep the litter box clean and easily accessible. If you don't have him neutered, he might start spraying all over the house.

Fight fire with fire, man. Doesn't he have a favourite pillow you could shitt on to try get the message across?

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