Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do my cat wanna come in the bath tub?

When im taking a bath my cat will lean over and dip his paws in it. And sometimes he'll go in my moms bath (with no water in it) and just sit

Does he wanna go in the water or what?Do my cat wanna come in the bath tub?
Just cute and nosy!Do my cat wanna come in the bath tub?
rather than call this place Yahoo Answers, sometimes it should be called Yahoo Opinions.

anyhow here is mine....

My sister tells me about her cats often and one of her cats loves fresh water.

As sister tells it, this spoiled kitty will run up to the sink or tub when water is being run in it, she wants her water very fresh. Sister says she sometimes leave the water dribbling for a few mins.

Maybe this explains your situation too.


There are breeds of cats that actually love water, my sister tells me. Is it possible your kitty is one of these breeds?

Have a great day w/ kitty!
i came in one day to find my cat in the tub....I think she loved the coolness of the tub...or rather the feel of the tub. Now both cats go inside and sit. Let them what are they hurting?
no, cats just lik to explore
Try putting a little water in the tub and leaving it alone. If he goes in, he obviouslly likes the water.
Some cats like water. We have a main coon and they are especially known for liking water. They sometimes dip their toys in their water bowls before playing with them. However, he does not want to be submerged in it. He likes to play with it, hover around the tub, and even sit in the tub while the water is running [until it reaches him], but doesn't want to be in it.

he also plays in the tub when it's empty. sometime they [both of them] sleep in there, and when i'm taking my bath he comes to sit on the edge. Occasionally he gets brave and tries to walk across me to the other side fo the tub.

He plays with it so much that the other cat plays with it too.

One day he didn't realize I was filling the tub when he came running into the bathroom in one of his wild running fits and jumped straight into the water. Needless to say he ran right back out.

He also has an affinity for sinks. The bathroom sink is on of his favorite sleeping spots. We're pretty sure he's going to learn how to turn on the tap. Seeing as he figured out the cabinets [ we had to get safety locks for them].

There's a breed of cat that likes to swim called the turkish van.
pull it in and find out
He is just trying to figure out what is wrong with you. Why are you in that water and he has to feel it to make sure it is water. He goes in your empty bath for the same reasons. He wonders what the whole idea is about. It must appear to be magic . First there is water then there is none.
that would be cute if he did
My cats do the same thing. My one female jumped up on the bathtub the other morning and she was walking along the back of it when she fell in (and yes I had it about half full). She didn't like that to much. I was really lucky that I wasn't in the bathtub yet. She got out of there in a hurry, so probably not. Some cats don't have a problem with water though. Just fill it a little and try putting your cat in there, but just make sure your out of the way if it don't like it.
He sees his reflection and wants to play in it. I seriously doubt the cat wants to be in the water. Though stranger things have happened.
Mine does too. No not in the bath but drink dripping water yes
my daughter's cat started sitting on the sink when my other daughter would be getting ready for work. at first if angel the cat would just go for the water dripping, then she stopped drinking form her water dish. so back to the dripping water. then she stopped drinking that too. so they put water in the sink. well the cat was happy to drink out of the sink. if they were in a hurry, thirsty cat. in a magazine printed especially for cats and their quirks, they found a closed in fountain that poured fresh water into a sink shaped, but much smaller of course. problem solved. there is clean fresh water that circulates through the system constantly, every one is happy. well after all of this i think that is the tap water that cats love to drink. PS i read in a book that cats have nodules on their tongue, they make water delicious for the cat. ergo the fresher the water the better the taste.
let it take a bath with you and then you will know the answer
My cat Sheba does that with the toilet. If I flush it, she jumps on it and stares at it. lol.

When I'm in the restroom brushing my teeth or something, she'll jump in the bathtub and just stay there. She hates baths though

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